Enumerate Heaps |
Hits: 14 |
Date added: 11/22/2007 |
This article explains a fast method of enumerating heaps on Windows. Traditional Windows heap enumeration functions are slower and takes lot of time while traversing large number of heap blocks. This article uncovers the reason behind it and shows you a new efficient way of enumerating process heaps based on reverse engineering of Windows heap API functions. |
Microsoft/Foundstone IP SEC |
Hits: 45 |
Date added: 10/22/2007 |
Using Microsoft Windows IPSec to Help Secure an Internal Corporate Network Server. |
IP Security |
Hits: 44 |
Date added: 08/28/2007 |
Vulnerability Analysis of the Brazilian Payment Sy |
Hits: 19 |
Date added: 08/23/2007 |
IPSec/VPN Security Policy Engineering: Automatic Generation and Conflict Detection |